ADS1256 24-bit ADC AD module high-precision ADC acquisition data acquisition card

LKR 9,040.00

5 in stock

SKU: (B523) Category:


  • 5V: 5V power input
  • GND: negative input power
  • SCLK, DIN, DOUT, CS: SPI communication interface;
  • DRDY: ADS1256 data ready output (active low);
  • PDWN: ADS1256 sync/power down input (active low);
  • AIN0-AIN7: Analog voltage input terminal, which can be used as 8 independent single-ended inputs or 4 sets of differential inputs (the measured voltage needs to be shared with the module).
  • Note: Since the supply voltage of ADS1256 is 5V, and the measured voltage must be 2V lower than the supply voltage, the module is only suitable for measuring analog voltages less than 3V.


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